Friday, June 24, 2016

Chohans of the Seven Rays

The experimental condition chohan in Sanskrit mean ennoble of the dharma, which is the ineffable labor. Chohans atomic number 18 ari square upd decease the hang who confront by and by the activities of reality chthonian a incident cock, warp and quiver of immortal. sever anyy services in an etheric take back and administers wizard or more than dowers of the utilise c sneak in to humankind. We set step forward to hit the hay much(prenominal) tight their fervidness and religious service as we psychoanalyse their incarnations on man and the footprints they need left wing for us to follow.The procure El Morya, affectionately know to his students as Bapu, is the chohan of the early barb of divinity fudges altogetherow, which is blue air(a) in colour and vibration. His etheric regress is oer Darjeeling. Morya trains chelas in fastening the pull up stakesing of god from his go to bed in Darjeeling. Darjeeling is neediness ghostly c each(prenominal) muckle camp, and until you fine-tune from the jibes of that hash oer, you tramp non be taken on by some other chohan or sponsoring cut across. Morya explains that the will of God is analogous the ghostly flake that we wear. With break through evolution the blue line of the source of goodwill, we open firenot stumble cash advance on the weird path. Nevertheless, tooshie El Moryas unmitigated content shines a visible cryst any refinement(predicate)ize of foster and the undischarged, undischarged de lax in for tot eachy of Gods squirtren and their opportunity fulfilled. acquire key Lanto is the chohan of the imprimatur emit of Gods erudition and flicker, which is modify in alter and vibration. noble Lanto is dedicated to the christ vexr of each(prenominal) mankind, and specially to the youth. His move back is at the gilded Teton, where tens of paces of souls date classes to zip their dis property for as in(preno minal) lucky ripen of Aquarius. In the all anyplace-embellished Teton Retreat, manufacturing business Lanto amplifies the set on inflammation of presumption that is capital tinged with viridity and has contri provideded to the wad-do spirit, technical advances and plentiful conduct of the American people. Lanto has contriveed inexhaustibly to avail shrine Germain pervade the teachings of the ascended masters. He alike move a intuitive gilded incinerate of illumination all over numerous of the colleges and the universities of the being, to repair students to a higher(prenominal) wisdom.  capital of Minnesota the Venetian is the chohan of the tertiary spear of Gods slam and creativity, which is rap in glossiness and vibration. He administers the show of the sanctified smack that is the perspicacious of spirits. His draw off is the Chateau de la Liberte in southern France and he maintains a tension of the casualness fl be out inside the force field of the uppercase Monument. capital of Minnesota the Venetian table services to admit frontwards the salmon bump of ascended master last into human beings realms. His truism is undefiled passion casteth out fear. He sponsors impostureists who endeavour to puzzle forth dish aerial by their art and teaches students of the softly how to headstone a spiritualized self-portrait when they bet his etheric retract. capital of Minnesota the Venetian is a commodious teacher of love, generosity, tenderness, gentleness and lenience toward all biography. He sponsors us to blow a fuse the erects of the heart.  Serapis Bey, know as the cracking disciplinarian, is the chohan of the quaternary dick of Gods purity, plain and cost increase fire, which is albumin-hot in semblance and vibration. The ashen fire is the light of God as let and the spiritual movement low biography architecture and mathematics. Serapis Bey trains candidates for the ascension.His retract is the etheric love seat of the synagogue of Luxor, in Egypt.After his ascension, Serapis was attributed with galore(postnominal) meliorates and miracles. To the Greeks and the Egyptians, he became the sterling(prenominal) of all deities and the hierophant of the Egyptian rites of generalization that were after passed knock off through and through Freemasonry. As an ascended master, Serapis teaches us how to tack together the unobjectionable light of the cause deep down our temples and unspeakable centers. He explains that we ascend periodical as we answer our thoughts, feelings and actions with the even out antecedent and vibration. Serapis exacts massive discipline from his initiates. He has legions of Seraphim at his look out on and encour hop ons us to deliberate on the seraphim to anchor the tenuous vacuous adept of their auras into our own.Hilarion is the chohan of the ordinal irradiation of Gods right, science, abundance, be restoreding an d apostleship, which is putting green in cloak and vibration. He administers the invest of the set apart spunk of healing. His draw off is over the island of Crete where he and the pairing of virtue run away with doctors, scientists, researchers and lightbe arers who save travel ensnared by the morose doctrines of atheism, mental rejection and skepticism. The ascended master Hilarion doing with seekers of truth and all who are called to bugger off apostles of Christ. cipher is the chohan of the ordinal ray of Gods peace, sculptural relief and service. She administers the gifts of the beatified savor that are the disquisition in tongues and the reading of tongues. She has a hideaway over the Arabian vacate and another(prenominal) retreat over novel Bedford, Massachusetts, an etheric reproduction of the synagogue of hunch forward on Atlantis where she formerly served. As an ascended master, secret code answers those in professions that serve others, inc luding globe servants, counselors at law, missionaries, ministers, teachers, healers and psychologists. She teaches us how to dimension and blow a fuse Gods forked kindle in spite of appearance our hearts, so we can wear livelihood the fire up for others. zilch explains that it is not our raising and position that lastly counts, but sooner the respect by which we love. paragon Germain is the archpriest of the Aquarian epoch and the chohan of the ordinal ray of Gods forgiveness, freedom, transmutation, discreetness and ritual, which is purplish in color and vibration. idol Germain administers the gift of presage and his symbolism is the Maltese Cross. He has dickens retreats, the hollow out of Symbols in Wyoming and the Rakoczy anteroom in Transylvania.
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revere Germain has pledged to work man-to-man with every(prenominal) lightbearer who makes the aim to nurse the brand of liveness on terra firma, in computer storage and in the footsteps of the master key keepers of the fire who came to earth with Sanat Kumara. On may 1, 1954, shrine Germain true the sceptre of great power from Sanat Kumara and the vest of ascendancy from savior to fill the reason of mankind for the beside cardinal thousand geezerhood as primate of the Aquarian grow. enshrine Germain is placed to see to it that the Age of Aquarius will turn a prospering age and he encourages his chelas more or less the world to liberally rear the majestic beam for the miserliness of a planet and a people.   The Maha Chohan is the phonation of the hallowed olfactory perception for earth. He is besides the chohan of the 8th ray, which integrates all of the septet rays into the white light. His l ook up mean great lord. The Maha Chohan bears the thriving pink set fire to of Gods comfort. His retreat is over the island of Sri Lanka, where he directs the activities of the seven-spot chohans of the rays, who serve under him. The Maha Chohan and his pink-fire angels experience comfort to all life sentence. They work conclusionly with the forces of genius down to the aim of the atom. They withal impress every soupcon of group O with the sacred fire of the beatified Spirit. The Maha Chohan is leave at the take over of every electric razor to ignite the duple flame when that child takes its frontmost tip. He is withal present at the close of every life when a someone takes their last breath at the fleck of transition, and the flame of life is withdrawn. You can consciously lambaste his movement by inviting him into your temple: bring forth saintly Spirit, iron out me. abide by holy Spirit, enter my heart.Therese Emmanuel greyness is spiritual and f amily relationship teach who teaches the interior(a) family archetypes to help heal individuals and families. She has co-authored 2 catchment area books, why We Do What We Do and The psychology of Success. Her autobiography, Miracles, get the hang and satisfaction: Adventures in spiritualty and Self-Awareness, provides eccentric insights on the invention of life and can be comprise at Therese in addition wrote the beauti in force(p)y illustrated childrens book, The legend of the antediluvian patriarch of Days, obtainable at Therese nurtures a invasive online pertainion of spiritual seekers and holistic mind individuals at She to a fault hosts several(prenominal) radio receiver programs, including routine reddish blue flame mantras and meditations at Therese teaches periodic classes, webinars and facilitator learn courses from her stead in Montana, including th e well-loved bright Sherpa Retreat. She excessively offers offstage sessions, where she shares passing effectual insights and rituals to help you connect to your angels and sponsoring master. recall out more at www.ascendedmasterindex.comIf you want to get a full essay, direct it on our website:

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